2018年1月15日 星期一

【新訂資源】長照教學資訊網 (Long Term Care),歡迎同仁多加利用。

2018年新訂長照教學資訊網 (Long Term Care),歡迎同仁多加利用。


長照教學資訊網(Long Term Care Taiwan),提供新穎的長照技術訓練,期能保障患者與老年人獲得適切的照顧。

安全風險評估 (Safety Risk Modifications)
居家照護安全:修正危險因子 (Home Care Safety: Modifying Safety Risks)
預防跌倒 (Fall Prevention)
被服管理 (Linen Management)
護理包技術 (Nursing Bag Technique)
廢棄藥物檢收 (Medication Disposal)
血液與體液噴濺 (Blood and Body Fluid Spills)
尖銳物貯存與丟棄 (Sharps Storage and Disposal)
醫療器材:清潔與消毒 (Medical Equipment: Cleaning and Disinfecting)
藥物和醫療設備之安全管理 (Medications and Medical Devices)
居家照護安全:化學治療與生物製劑藥物之安全管理 (Safe Management of Chemotherapy and Biotherapy: Patient and Family)
手部衛生 (Hand Hygiene)
口腔衛生 (Oral Hygiene)
病人衛生照護:低溫毯與高溫毯 (Hypothermia and Hyperthermia Blankets)
病人衛生照護:溼敷與坐浴 (Moist Heat: Compresses and Sitz Baths)
病人衛生照護:床上沐浴 (Bathing: Bed Bath)
病人衛生照護:浴缸沐浴和淋浴 (Bathing: Tub Bath and Shower)
病人衛生照護:為限制臥床病人洗頭 (Shampooing Hair of Bed-Bound Patients)
足部與指甲/趾甲照護 (Nail and Foot Care)
病人衛生照護:會陰沖洗 (Perineal Care)
病人衛生照護:使用便盆 (Bedpans)
病人衛生照護:便祕 (Constipation: Nursing Management)
灌腸 (Enemas)
糞便嵌塞移除 (Fecal Impaction Removal)
體溫測量衛教 (Body Temperature Measurement Education)
血壓測量衛教 (Blood Pressure Measurement Education)
脈搏測量衛教 (Pulse Measurement Education)
管灌飲食衛教 (Feeding Tube Education)
自我給藥衛教 (Medication Self-Administration Education)
健康管理與評估:營養篩檢 (Assessment: Nutrition Screening)
健康管理與評估:姿勢性生命徵象 (Assessment: Orthostatic Vital Signs)
健康管理與評估:計時起身行走測試 (Timed Up and Go Test)
血糖監測 (Blood Glucose Monitoring)
凝血功能監測 (Prothrombin Time/International Normalized Ratio Testing)
健康管理與評估:深層靜脈栓塞 (Deep Vein Thrombosis: Nursing Management)
健康管理與評估:骨質疏鬆症 (Osteoporosis: Nursing Management)
身體擺位:仰臥或俯臥 (Patient Positioning: Supine or Prone)
身體擺位:受支托的坐臥 (Patient Positioning: Supported Fowler)
身體擺位:側臥、辛式(半俯臥)和圓滾木翻身 (Patient Positioning: Lateral, Sims [Semiprone], and Log Rolling)
身體擺位:將病人往床頭移動 (Patient Positioning: Moving Up in Bed)
移位技術:協助病人坐姿擺位 (Transfer Technique: Assisting Patients to Sitting Position)
移位技術:協助病人從床上移到椅子上 (Transfer Technique: Assisting Patients from Bed to Chair)
移行輔具衛教 (Ambulation Aid Education)
急症:老年病人抽搐發作處置 (Seizure Precautions)
高血糖:照護管理 (Hyperglycemia: Nursing Management)
低血糖:照護管理 (Hypoglycemia: Nursing Management)
糖尿病足部檢查 (Diabetic Foot Screening)
糖尿病足部照護 (Diabetic Foot Care)
Unna Boot足部包紮術 (Unna Boot Application)
Unna Boot包紮移除術 (Unna Boot Removal)
間歇性自行導尿衛教 (Intermittent Self-Catheterization Education)
導尿管:保險套導尿管 (Urinary Catheter: Condom Catheter Care)
導尿管:留置導尿管照護 (Urinary Catheter: Indwelling [Foley] Catheter Care)
導尿管:單次與留置導尿管置入(男性) (Urinary Catheter: Straight and Indwelling [Foley] Catheter Insertion (Male))
導尿管:單次與留置導尿管置入(女性) (Urinary Catheter: Straight and Indwelling [Foley] Catheter Insertion (Female))
導尿管:留置導尿管移除 (Urinary Catheter: Indwelling [Foley] Catheter Removal)
導尿管:恥骨上導尿管照護 (Urinary Catheter: Suprapubic Catheter Care)
導尿管:恥骨上導尿管置入與更換 (Urinary Catheter: Suprapubic Urinary Catheter Insertion and Replacement)
恥骨上導尿管重新置入 (Suprapubic Catheter Reinsertion)
經皮內視鏡胃造口、胃造口與空腸造口管照護 (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy, Gastrostomy, and Jejunostomy Tube Care)
胃造口管重新置入 (Gastrostomy Tube Reinsertion)
胃造口管移除 (Gastrostomy Tube Removal)
造口照護:尿路造口袋 (Pouching: Urostomy)
造口照護:結腸造口或迴腸造口袋 (Pouching: Colostomy or Ileostomy)
結腸造口灌洗 (Colostomy Irrigation)
燒燙傷照護 (Burn Wound Care)
傷口清創 (Wound Debridement)
傷口填塞 (Wound Packing)
傷口灌洗 (Wound Irrigation)
負壓傷口療法 (Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy)
壓瘡:治療 (Pressure Ulcer: Treatment)
傷口照護:壓瘡之風險評估與預防 (Pressure Ulcer: Risk Assessment and Prevention)
傷口照護:截肢 (Wound Care: Amputation)
評估:傷口 (Assessment: Wound)
傷口照護:創傷傷口的清潔和沖洗 (Wound Cleansing and Irrigation of Traumatic Wounds)
密閉式抽吸引流組(附引流球):照護管理 (Closed Suction Drain with Bulb: Nursing Management)
密閉式抽吸引流組(附引流球):移除技術 (Closed Suction Drain with Bulb: Removal)
密閉式胸腔引流系統:濕式與乾式抽痰 (Closed Chest Tube Drainage System: Setup of Wet and Dry Suction)
胸腔引流管:照護管理 (Pleural Catheter: Nursing Management)
經皮神經電刺激器 (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Unit)
心肺復甦術 (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
心室輔助器 (Ventricular Assist Devices)
機械式吸吐通氣裝置(助咳機) (Mechanical In-Exsufflator (Coughalator))
高頻胸外按壓系統(拍痰背心) (High-Frequency Chest Compression System)
氧氣設備衛教 (Oxygen Equipment Education)
居家氧療照護:液態氧氣系統 (Liquid Oxygen System)
氧氣鋼瓶調節閥 (Oxygen Tank Regulators)
採用手持復甦器之人工通氣 (Manual Ventilation with a Handheld Resuscitator)
使用鼻套管或氧氣面罩 (Nasal Cannula or Oxygen Mask Application)
呼吸器:設定與警報 (Ventilator: Settings and Alarms)
濕度調控:呼吸器 (Humidity Administration: Ventilator)
機械通氣:長期侵入性使用 (Mechanical Ventilation: Long-Term Invasive)
呼吸困難:照護管理 (Dyspnea: Nursing Management)
氣切套管:照護和抽吸 (Tracheostomy Tube: Care and Suctioning)
氣切造口照護和抽痰 (Tracheostomy Care and Suctioning)
氣切套管更換技術 (Tracheostomy Tube Change)
氣切套管固定帶更換技術 (Tracheostomy Tie Change)
氣切套管的非計畫性拔管 (Unplanned Tracheostomy Tube Decannulation)
濕度調控:氣切造口 (Humidity Administration: Tracheostomy)
抽痰:經呼吸道 (Suctioning)
抽痰:經鼻氣管 (Suctioning: Nasotracheal)
抽痰:經口咽 (Suctioning: Oropharyngeal)
抽吸:人工呼吸道 (Suctioning: Artificial Airway)
抽吸:鼻咽 (Nasopharyngeal Suctioning)
給藥:皮下注射 (Medication Administration: Subcutaneous Injections)
給藥:口服化療與生物製劑治療藥物 (Oral Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Administration Education)
給藥:經灌食管 (Feeding Tube: Medication Administration)
彈性式靜脈輸注器 (Elastomeric Infusion Device)
靜脈營養管理 (Parenteral Nutrition Management)
靜脈治療:建立靜脈注射管路 (Intravenous Therapy: Initiation)
靜脈治療:調控流速 (Intravenous Therapy: Regulation of Flow Rate)
靜脈治療:更換敷料 (Intravenous Therapy: Dressing Change)
靜脈治療:更換輸液 (Intravenous Therapy: Solution Change)
靜脈治療:更換輸液套管 (Intravenous Therapy: Administration Set Change)
中線導管:導管照護及換藥技術 (Midline Catheter: Maintenance and Dressing Change)
中線導管:導管移除技術 (Midline Catheter: Removal)
中心靜脈導管:置入部位照護技術 (Central Venous Catheter: Site Care)
中心靜脈導管:採血 (Central Venous Catheter: Blood Sampling)
周邊置入中心靜脈導管:導管照護與換藥 (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter: Maintenance and Dressing Change)
周邊置入中心靜脈導管:導管採血與移除 (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter: Blood Sampling and Catheter Removal)
血液檢體採集:靜脈穿刺真空採血法 (Blood Specimen Collection: Venipuncture Vacuum-Extraction Method)
動脈穿刺:動脈血中氣體濃度取樣 (Arterial Puncture: Arterial Blood Gas Sampling)
老年或居家病人自殺風險評估 (Assessment: Suicide Risk)
老年病人心理狀態評估 (Assessment: Mental Status)
老年病人之治療性溝通 (Therapeutic Communication)
躁動 (Agitation)
與焦慮個案溝通 (Communication with Anxious Patients)
透過降低緊張情緒的方法與憤怒病人溝通 (Communication with Angry Patients through Deescalation)
老年個案虐待及忽視 (Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults)
老年病人憂鬱症 (Depression: Older Adult Patients)
老年病人行為問題 (Behavioral Issues)
針對認知障礙個案之安全適應作法 (Safety Adaptations for Patients with Cognitive Deficits)
安寧照護:預立醫療指示討論 (Advance Directive Discussion)
安寧照護:臨終討論 (End-Of-Life Discussions)
安寧照護:臨終病人的症狀處理 (Symptom Management at End of Life)
生命末期的症狀處理 (Symptom Management at End of Life)
安寧照護:病人與家屬的哀傷支持 (Grief Support for Patients and Family)
